Archive for December 2007

Bird Quiz Answers

Thank-you for having a go at our Mix ‘n Match Bird Quiz. The first completely correct entry came from Sue. Susie was on the right lines with the yellow-legged gull. John, you were so nearly right with everything that I suspect you simply pressed the wrong key a couple of times…!

A walk in the Sierra Minera

Roxanne is back again, with something new for you to read: I’ve been very busy lately. I have been building a wall around the edge of my dead hamster’s grave. My hamster – Chicita – died a year ago. And I’ve only just got round to building the wall round her grave… I’ve been planting seeds round the grave, mostly from the hamster’s food. (A year – and I haven’t got round to throwing away the hamsters food!) And I’ve…

Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone! We’ve been so frantically busy trying (and failing) to get the boat ready to leave Spain before Christmas that we haven’t even had time to go to the post office this year – so this is all you’re getting! Feel free to print it out and sign it “Love from the Mollymawks“.

Mix ‘n Match Bird Quiz

The Ship’s Naturalist has been very busy these past few weeks. She has at least two articles in the pipeline, but transferring her observations from the Nature Diary to the computer is a long, slow process. In the meantime, we thought you might enjoy a little nature quiz.